Jimmy Akers - 717.654.8365

Jimmy Akers is a dreamer and creative that follows Jesus, loves his family & shares hope. He is originally from Baltimore, Maryland but now lives in Southwest, Florida with his wife, their world changer and 2 pups. He has been in pastoral ministry since 2005 and joined New International officially in 2017.

Care Pastor FCC - Email

As the Care Pastor at First Christian Church of Fort Myers, Jimmy is on the preaching team, provides pastoral care, supports Small Group and Ministry Team leaders, and teaches the ABC's of Discipleship class. He also gets to join in and help with the worship team as needed.

Storyteller New Intl. - Email

As a Missions Storyteller with Family Partners of New International, Jimmy travels as a speaker, worship leader and advocate on behalf of vulnerable children and families in Kenya, sharing hope and stories about lives being changed, while adding value to churches, organizations and families. 

Hope Delivery Guy DDLA - Email

As a creative and the Hope Delivery Guy at DontDoLifeAlone.com, Jimmy shares hope one word at a time as a writer, podcaster, musician and speaker. He writes books and songs, and creates podcasts, workshops, courses, Lego masterpieces and other creative things.